A Photographer Created a Reshoot of Ads From the 1950s to Show How the World Has Changed

At this point in our evolution as the human species, it I safe to say that times have definitely changed. We are constantly evolving into better versions of ourselves, even...

A Photographer Created a Reshoot of Ads From the 1950s to Show How the World Has Changed

At this point in our evolution as the human species, it I safe to say that times have definitely changed. We are constantly evolving into better versions of ourselves, even if it seems that some people might never change. A photographer had enough of the outdated ideals that women are subjected to. So, he decided to create a photographic remodeling of the seriously sexist dated ads that used to fill our billboards and shop windows.

From dated ads to new-age comedy

Eli Rezkallah, a photographer from Lebanon, has stunned the world with a recent shoot he did. It all started when he was at a family gathering. He was listening to his relatives speak and what he heard did not go down so well in his mind. According to them, women are not performing their duties well enough. They said they need to step up to the plate and perform better with regard to laundry, cooking every meal, and child-rearing.

Eli is not an old-fashioned kind of person, and he did not agree with these sentiments. “I know that not all men think as my relatives do,” said Eli. “But I was surprised that such views still exist. That’s why I created this project where they can taste their own sexist poison.”

This led Eli to some thinking, which resulted in a photoshoot. He took a whole bunch of dated ads from the 1950s and recreated them as photographs. But, with a twist. The aim of the shoot was to highlight how much society has changed, and how the old expectations of women are unfair and unrealistic.

Eli’s photoshoot

The 1950s was a very different world to the one we live in now. women were expected to be the perfect housewife to their husbands. Even at the cost f their own happiness, and sanity for that matter. But, Eli’s pictures show a parallel universe to that idealistic perception of humankind.

Image credit: Eli Rexkallah

In the pictures above, Eli has used a dated ad poster that shows a man in his bed being doted on by his wife. She is kneeling on the ground and serving him food. This might seem cute in today’s age, but her body language is submissive, which is considered toxic in the modern world. So, Eli reversed the scene and put the man on his knees serving his wife in bed.

Image credit: Eli Rexkallah

The next picture we have chosen to showcase displays the age-old idea that a woman’s place is in the kitchen. There have been many a joke made a bout this, but for Eli is not a laughing matter. In his version, he has the man in the kitchen admiring his wife and childrenplaying outside.


Image credit: Eli Rexkallah And some more dated ads

Next up, we have the dishes dispute. In the 1950s, women were expected to cook and clean. This meant they spent most of their time doing chores. so, Eli took a dated ad for a dishwasher. But, instead of a woman surrounded by an overwhelming stack of dishes, he put a man there.

Image credit: Eli Rexkallah

Lastly, we have a dated ad about vacuum cleaners. In the 195os, it might have seemed absurd for women to want anything but a cleaning machine for Christmas. As if they had no personality. In this edition, Eli placed a man in the woman’s place and he had seemingly just received a vacuum cleaner as a gift.

Sources “A Photographer Created a Reshoot of Ads From the 1950s to Show How the World Has Changed.” Hip Toro.  Simranjit. 2022. “Photographer Reverses Gender Roles In Sexist Vintage Ads.” Bored Panda. Hidrėlėy. 2020.
