The PS5 is a great console and I’m tired of people putting it down – Reader’s Feature

A reader is frustrated with some of the negativity surrounding Sony and points out just how successful and popular the PS5 continues to be.

The PS5 is a great console and I’m tired of people putting it down – Reader’s Feature
It prints money (Sony)

A reader is frustrated with some of the negativity surrounding Sony and points out just how successful and popular the PS5 continues to be.

We got some very interesting news this week, showing exactly how much the Xbox Series X/S has sold and how far behind the PlayStation 5 it is. Microsoft’s consoles have sold less than half that of Sony and while it was obvious they were in trouble this really does lay out how Xbox isn’t even in the same weight class as PlayStation, and that’s why they’ve been forced to go third party.

The PlayStation 5 has been an amazing success. It’s sold 70 million consoles in just four years, is ahead of the PlayStation 4 at the same time in its life, and Sony stock is the highest it’s been since the PlayStation 2 in the early 2000s.

The PlayStation 5 is the most profitable console Sony has ever made and the most profitable of this generation, making roughly twice as much as Nintendo in second place. It has had multiple highly-rated exclusive games… it literally couldn’t be more successful. And yet everyone treats it as a failure and talks about Sony as if they are on the rocks.

I get it. There’s no arguing that Sony hasn’t been acting oddly the last two years. The number of announcements and new releases have slowed down and whatever’s been going on behind the scenes, in terms of the push for live service games and the changing of CEOs, has all happened without any real explanation.

I don’t know why they’ve been so secretive about this. I imagine it’s because there has been some internal disagreement and they don’t exactly want to put out a press releasing admitting that there’s been a bunch of in-fighting and the live service stuff hasn’t worked out as hoped. But it doesn’t matter.

No matter how embarrassing the failure of Concord might have been it hasn’t done anything to dent sales or profit. If anything, its success illustrates just how much wiggle room they’ve got for anything going wrong.

The PlayStation 5 is not only the most successful console but it’s so popular that Xbox cannot stay in business without it. They can’t make Call Of Duty an exclusive even if they wanted to, because the vast majority of people play it on PlayStation. It’s the same for every game, from every publisher.

Even with Nintendo, PlayStation is the default video game console for the whole world and that alone explains why Sony has seemed so complacent. People don’t appreciate just how successful they’ve been and if that’s the case you’re hardly going to be in a rush to change things up.

It’s not out of laziness that they’re happy to sit back, it’s out of fear of making some change that will knock them out of that position. If you were doing the best you’d ever done you’d be terrified of making some change that undid it and I believe that’s where Sony is now.

Other than that, they’re not ‘running scared’ or ‘giving up’ they’re just sitting back and letting the money roll in. They are taking advantage of a windfall and not upsetting the applecart.

Don’t get me wrong. I do wish they weren’t doing this. I’d much prefer they were out there announcing new single-player games all the time, being inventive, and pushing the boundaries, but I understand why they’re not. A company not doing what we want does not mean that company is in trouble or stupid. The only problem for Sony at the moment is counting all the money they’re making.

By reader Hammeriron

The PlayStation 5 has not been a sales failure (Sony)

The reader’s features do not necessarily represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

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