Meet the woman who shares the ‘world’s spookiest home’ with cursed dolls and coffins

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Meet the woman who shares the ‘world’s spookiest home’ with cursed dolls and coffins
Beckie-Ann has an interest in the macabre (Picture: Beckie-Ann Galentine/SWNS)

A woman from Virginia has shared her spooky home full of creepy antiques and ornaments, including gravestones, ‘cursed’ dolls, and even children’s coffins.

Beckie-Ann Galentine’s interest in the macabre was sparked by her unconventional upbringing where she lived above her parent’s antique shop.

They specialised in historical items but 33-year-old Beckie-Ann was drawn to more chilling items such as creepy old photographs and coffins.

Beckie-Ann has spent the last decade finding hundreds of ‘haunted’ artefacts to decorate her house, which dates back to the 1900s and she shares with her partner and fellow ghost hunter Josh Rawson, 32.

Beckie-Ann says all the items are deeply personal and ‘feel like they have a soul.’

Old gravestones are amongst Beckie-Ann’s belongings (Picture: Beckie-Ann Galentine/SWNS)

‘There’s so much personal history from people that lived normal daily lives, that have essentially been wiped from history. The only way they can be remembered is to save these things,’ she said.

While many of the items come from auction houses, flea markets and antique stores, Beckie-Ann says she also gets sent items people inherit that they are too scared to keep in their own homes.

‘We have historic straitjackets from psychiatric hospitals and entire cabinets from hospitals too. We have an allegedly haunted wheelchair from one of those hospitals, the person who gave it to me didn’t want it in their house,’ she details.

One item that did spook Beckie-Ann to receive was a pair of ventriloquist dummies from the 1930s. They were given to her by a fellow collector who told her the dolls were so cursed that owning them was the ‘worst time of his life.’

Beckie-Ann’s home also features coffins (Picture: Beckie-Ann Galentine/SWNS)

Beckie-Ann said she was ‘nervous’ about bringing them into her home.

‘I set up a camera for them, I did get a notification from it that someone was walking around my house,’ she reveals. ‘I’m not a huge haunted object person but it was really compelling.’

Her home also has a room full of coffins and a portrait that comes with a bag of children’s teeth.

‘People thought it was a murder piece but it was just a rite of passage, they didn’t have phones and gadgets to remember people by,’ Beckie-Ann explains.

Cursed dolls are a part of Beckie-Ann’s home (Picture: Beckie-Ann Galentine/SWNS)

Despite her home being filled with macabre artefacts, Beckie-Ann says she never has any issues.

‘There’s a mutual understanding, like “this is your space to exist, you’re welcome here.” If you treat the items with respect you can cohabit with them although there’s a period at the start where they’re settling and things do happen from time to time.’

Despite her wonderfully spooky house, the content creator says this isn’t all there is to her.

‘It’s just one facet of who I am as a human being, I’m a keeper of lost things and a custodian of stories.’

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