YouTuber Andrew Cross dies aged 36 after being taken off life support

He was in a car accident earlier this year.

YouTuber Andrew Cross dies aged 36 after being taken off life support
Online adventure content creator and YouTube star Andrew Cross has died (Picture: Instagram/Andrew Cross)

YouTube star Andrew Cross has died aged 36 after a car accident.

The outdoor adventure content creator was taken off life support on Tuesday, over a month after he sustained a traumatic brain injury in a road collision and fell into a coma on January 31.

Cross’s sister Jenna shared the news online as she revealed his ‘spirit [was] free, surrounded by light & love’.

Writing an update for friends, family and fans on a CaringBridge site, she added: ‘It was peaceful and full of love in the room with Evelyn by his side, his parents and close friends nearby.

‘It’s a big loss for all of us, and we’re immensely grateful for your steadfast support and prayers.’

She also shared that ‘before removing Andrew from life support yesterday, they put him on a mobile ventilator and walked a loop around the whole ICU while all the available staff lined the hallway as a way to honour him’.

Cross’s life support was switched off by his family on Tuesday, following a car accident in January (Picture: Instagram/Andrew Cross)

‘Then in the room, friends & family read scripture, prayed, and sang during the process of removing life support and for over an hour afterwards ❤️ It was peaceful and beautiful,’ she added.

‘Andrew really lived life to the fullest, and his story & impact isn’t over yet. It’s been wonderful to get to know him in new ways as we’ve seen photos and stories shared by so many.

‘We look forward to more of that as we honour a life well lived.’

A GoFundMe page for the family to help cover medical expenses for the creator – known as Desert Drifter to his 474,000 YouTube subscribers has reached $488,967 (£379,147) in donations so far.