Search: Academy
Oskar 2025 -’Anora’, fiton 5 statuja të arta
Çmimet e 95-ta të Academy Awards 2025 ishte më shumë një maratonë sesa një sprint,...
Why is it called the Oscars? Theories behind Academy Awards...
Well that depends on which theory you believe...
Why are they called the Oscars? Theories behind Academy...
Well that depends on which theory you believe...
Why are they called the Oscars? Academy Awards name explained
Well that depends on which theory you believe...
The Oscars 2025 has made a huge mistake by snubbing Saoirse...
What truly blew me away was how and why the Academy managed to overlook her powerful...
The origins of the red carpet are more sinister than you’d...
The red carpet has become synonymous with the rich and famous – but it once didn’t...
Serbia dëbon maqedonasen, reagon Shkupi zyrtar
Në natën ndërmjet 21 dhe 22 janarit, Serbia dëboi 13 shtetas të huaj nga Kroacia,...