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Games Inbox: What is the best free online shooter?
Apex Legends – try it for free (EA) The Thursday letters page is concerned AI is...
Split Fiction hands-on preview – the must play co-op game...
Split Fiction is unlikely to split opinion (EA) GameCentral gets to play over three...
Games Inbox: Are you getting a Nintendo Switch 2 at launch?
How tempted are you? (YouTube) The Tuesday letters page is unimpressed by Sony’s...
Games Inbox: What does the PSN outage say about modern...
It’s happened again (Sony) The Monday letters page is frustrated at Rocksteady’s...
Games Inbox: What will be in the February State of Play...
Will we be seeing more of Death Stranding 2 this month? (Sony Interactive Entertainment)...
Disney tried to buy Nintendo in 2016 claims former Imagineer
Nintendo is not for sale (Getty/Disney/Nintendo) Microsoft has already tried to...