Search: Contest
Qëndrimi në Bazel gjatë Eurovisionit do të kushtojë shumëfish...
Nëse dëshironi të qëndroni në Bazel gjatë Eurovision Song Contest – do t’ju kushtojë....
UK Eurovision entry admit ‘we’re not looking for points’...
Remember Monday have reacted to the UK's odds slipping.
‘I’m 77 but Rose Ayling-Ellis’ experiment has turned me...
Rose Ayling-Ellis is on a mission to tackle loneliness in the elderly (Picture:...
Kujdes nga biletat false në Zvicër për Eurovision
Duke qenë se faza e dytë e shitjes së biletave për Eurovision Song Contest (ESC)...
ITV viewers brand new game show ‘Poundland Squid Game perfect...
Adam and Ryan Thomas have addressed the medical attention required on 99 To Beat...
BBC rebooting classic game show with one of ‘TV’s most...
Hole In The Wall is making a comeback (Picture: BBC) Hole In The Wall is set to...
‘Selfish’ Channel 4 star blasted for blowing £1,000 on...
One contestant keeps getting slammed for her 'selfish' behaviour.
Tempting Fortune stars enrage viewers by blowing £1,000...
One contestant keeps getting slammed for her 'selfish' behaviour.
American Idol contestant Doug Kiker who brought Katy Perry...
The star was known as 'The SInging Garbage Man'.
‘Friendless’ UK suffers the worst news ahead of Eurovision...
Remember Monday will be hoping to turn the UK's track record around.
Dhomat e hotelit në Bazel të rezervuara për Eurovizion
Eurovision Song Contest, i cili do të zhvillohet nga 10 deri më 17 maj, ka sjellë...
Basel përgatit një plan kundër dhunës për Eurovizionin
Meqenëse Eurovision Song Contest është vetëm dy muaj larg (13 deri më 17 maj), autoritetet...
The Apprentice star explains ‘facial difference’ that gives...
The latest fired Apprentice candidate, Jonny Heaver has previously opened up about...