Danny Dyer’s crude new film has ‘scandalised EastEnders fans walking out’
You have been warned.

Danny Dyer’s bold new film has raised eyebrows among one of his biggest fanbases with reported walkouts over its graphic nature.
Marching Powder sees Dyer star as Jack Jones, an ageing, drug-taking football hooligan who’s arrested after violent matchday exploits and given six weeks to turn his life around – or else face prison.
Sold as an ‘outrageous comedy about addiction, violence and happy endings’, with romance and violence (‘but this ain’t no rom-com’, it insists), the movie nonetheless appears to have taken some by surprise.
After the film released in cinema on Friday, people have been heading out to see it.
As fan Liam shared on X: ‘Went to watch that new Danny Dyer film Marching Powder. The funniest thing that happened was an elderly couple who clearly didn’t know what they were getting themselves into got up to leave after 20 minutes and the woman said to her husband “Well he’s not like that on EastEnders”.’
Whether or not this particular walkout actually took place, it is true that Dyer’s character of Jack is worlds away from that of Mick Carter, the kind and patriotic family man and landlord of the Queen Vic pub he played on EastEnders.
So people who’ve only become aware of him since he was beamed into their televisions several nights a week during prime time will be quite surprised to see him sniffing copious amounts of coke, let his young son watch porn and drop a constant stream of C-bombs, right from the off.
Dyer, 47, played Mick on EastEnders from 2013 until 2022, garnering awards and fans alike for his popular turn – but he was actually attracted to the soap role because it was different to how he had been cast before.