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Games Inbox: What games will be in today’s Nintendo Direct?
Will we see more of Metroid Prime 4 today? (Nintendo) The Thursday letters page...
Grand Designs makes history with ‘ugliest home ever’ that...
Viewers said the property had 'all the comfort of a visitor centre.'
Fero ofendon rëndë Arbenitën në këngën e re
Pas një periudhe larg skenës muzikore dhe një përkushtimi të thellë ndaj fesë, reperi...
Fero ofendon rëndë Arbenitën në këngën e re, përmend edhe...
Pas një periudhe larg skenës muzikore dhe një përkushtimi të thellë ndaj fesë, reperi...
Elita Rudi zbulon problemet me Policinë
Moderatorja, Elita Rudi ka treguar ngjarjen e pakëndshme që i ndodhi sot. Pos problemeve...
Elita Rudi gjobitet nga policia, zbulon çfarë i ndodhi
Moderatorja, Elita Rudi ka treguar ngjarjen e pakëndshme që i ndodhi sot. Pos problemeve...
‘I’m 77 but Rose Ayling-Ellis’ experiment has turned me...
Rose Ayling-Ellis is on a mission to tackle loneliness in the elderly (Picture:...
Gjobitet nga policia, Elita Rudi – kjo është arsyeja!
Moderatorja, Elita Rudi, ka pasur sot një ditë jo fort të këndshme. Pos problemeve...
Grand Designs makes history with ‘radical’ new build
The long-running show returns to screens tonight!
Lajmi i shumëpritur – Anisa Veseli siguron operacionin
Ish-konkurrentja e Big Brother VIP Kosova, Anisa Veseli, duket se ka siguruar realizimin...
Mystery as Zara McDermott misses red carpet after Louis...
Zara McDermott skipped a photo opp at the Royal Television Society Awards (Picture:...
The White Lotus incest storyline isn’t even remotely interesting...
It takes a lot to shock someone who writes about television for a living but The...
Kevin McCloud reveals update on Grand Designs house with...
The home will be featured on an episode of the upcoming season.
Adolescence makes British TV history after racking up 24,000,000...
It's left many viewers 'in tears'.
Games Inbox: Bloodborne is 10 years old and there’s still...
Our eyes are yet to open, to a remaster (Sony Interactive Entertainment) The Tuesday...