The biggest video game surprise hit of 2023 is getting a sequel

A sequel has been announced for one of 2023's most overlooked games, based on a 1980s sci-fi classic.

The biggest video game surprise hit of 2023 is getting a sequel
RoboCop is channelling The Raid (Nacon)

A sequel has been announced for one of 2023’s most overlooked games, based on a 1980s sci-fi classic.

The RoboCop franchise has taken severe damage over the years, thanks to several dodgy sequels and reboots, but a video game in 2023 provided an unexpected reprieve.

RoboCop: Rogue City, developed by Teyon, was a first person shooter take on the 1980s sci-fi satire, set after the events of RoboCop 2. Despite its low budget it was far better than anyone expected, and saw original actor Peter Weller reprise the lead role.

So it’s very welcome news to know that a standalone sequel, entitled RoboCop: Rogue City – Unfinished Business, has now been announced, which will be released later this year.

As shown in the trailer, the game appears to be set entirely within Old Detroit’s OmniTower housing complex, which has been taken over by armed mercenaries.

Naturally, it’s RoboCop’s mission to fight up to the top floor and restore order, in a similar vein to The Raid – or more pertinently Dredd, with the original RoboCop movie having been partially inspired by 2000 AD’s infamous Judge.

‘From flying drones to exploding bots and anti-personnel turrets, every floor is riddled with deadly traps, and heavily armed elite troops,’ reads the official description.

‘Expect to face minigun-toting armoured squads, special forces equipped with jet packs or even katana-wielding foes who look more machine than man.’

The game features returning weapons from Rogue City and new additions like the Cryo Cannon, along with finishing moves where you can smash ‘an opponent’s skull against a concrete wall or into the nearest drinks vending machine’.

Interestingly, Unfinished Business will also let you play as Alex Murphy before he became RoboCop in ‘unique missions’ tied to the overall story.

While it will be sold separately, Unfinished Business is described as a ‘standalone extension’ to RoboCop: Rogue City, so it sounds like it will be smaller in scale and probably reuse a lot of existing assets. A price has yet to be announced.

RoboCop: Rogue City – Unfinished Business is slated to be released in summer 2025 on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

RoboCop has unfinished business (Nacon)

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