Games Inbox: Will Nintendo Switch 2 outsell the PS5?
Is the Switch 2 guaranteed to outsell the PS5? (YouTube) The Friday letters page...
Warner Bros. planning Game Of Thrones console title and...
In the wake of Warner Bros. shutting down three of its studios, the source that...
Games Inbox: Will the Fable reboot be on PS5?
Was Fable delayed for the PS5? (Xbox Game Studios) The Wednesday letters page is...
Xbox admits Fable will no longer meet its 2025 release...
One of the few Xbox exclusives Microsoft had this year has been delayed, with the...
Every new PS5 first party game in development and who’s...
If you want to know what new games are coming out for PS5 here's a list of what...
G Bani bën veprimin e papritur në Prime
Pas eleminimit të Indrit, ai shkoi drejt studios. Ajo që morri vëmendje është se...
Next gen Xbox ‘fully approved’ by Microsoft says source...
What does a next gen Xbox mean? (Microsoft) As sales of the Xbox Series X/S continue...
Josef Fares interview talks Split Fiction: ‘we will not...
Josef Fares is a lot quieter and more contemplative than his reputation suggests...
Josef Fares Split Fiction interview – ‘we will not only...
Josef Fares is a lot quieter and more contemplative than his reputation suggests...
Split Fiction hands-on preview – the must play co-op game...
Split Fiction is unlikely to split opinion (EA) GameCentral gets to play over three...
South Of Midnight review – stop motion American Gothic
South Of Midnight review – Hazel is stop motion in cut scenes but not so much at...
Games Inbox: What does the PSN outage say about modern...
It’s happened again (Sony) The Monday letters page is frustrated at Rocksteady’s...
‘I’m a Golden Globe winning actor but my second job upsets...
The actor has won an Emmy and Golden Globe for his performances.
Disney tried to buy Nintendo in 2016 claims former Imagineer
Nintendo is not for sale (Getty/Disney/Nintendo) Microsoft has already tried to...
Batuta e Amberit bën xhiron e rrjetit:Egli nuk e donte...
Raporti i Eglit dhe Gjestit vjen duke u zhvilluar dhe lidhur me marrëdhënien e tyre...