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Si ‘lindi’ logoja e BMW dhe çfarë përfaqëson në të vërtetë?
Logoja e BMW është një nga simbolet më të njohura në industrinë e automobilave,...
Games Inbox: What is the best free online shooter?
Apex Legends – try it for free (EA) The Thursday letters page is concerned AI is...
A new Tony Hawk game is in the works according to pro skater
A pro skateboarder seems to have let slip that he’ll appear in an unannounced Tony...
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii review – mad dog...
Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii is not an entirely serious crime thriller...
Josef Fares interview talks Split Fiction: ‘we will not...
Josef Fares is a lot quieter and more contemplative than his reputation suggests...
Josef Fares Split Fiction interview – ‘we will not only...
Josef Fares is a lot quieter and more contemplative than his reputation suggests...
Split Fiction hands-on preview – the must play co-op game...
Split Fiction is unlikely to split opinion (EA) GameCentral gets to play over three...
God Of War prequel in the works claims insider as State...
As expectation heightens for a State Of Play presentation this week, new rumours...
Games Inbox: What does the PSN outage say about modern...
It’s happened again (Sony) The Monday letters page is frustrated at Rocksteady’s...